“I can’t say I wouldn’t have done the same if I was in his position. I can accept that.” He glanced at me with a sad smile. You had a hard decision, and you chose to save her. “Fine.” My father snapped, and I turned back to him. Your daughter is an amazing woman, someone I would be proud to call my wife if she ever gave me the chance.” This time, his eyes moved to me, the genuine emotion there making my heart jump into my throat. “And while I admit it is my fault she was chosen in the first place, I can’t say I regret it. Feldman.” Patrick tucked his hands into his pockets and dipped his head. My father gaped at him as I did, but Patrick continued as if we weren’t looking at him like a crazy person. I chose the prior and prayed she wouldn’t hate me for it later.” I was given a choice by the other Crimson Fold members, change her or kill her. “It’s alright.” To my father, he said, “It was me who changed her. I glanced back at him, and he gave me a reassuring look.

“Clarabelle.” Patrick’s voice interrupted me. This man who promised me he’d love and cherish you for the rest of your life isn’t the one who changed you to be just like him?” The cup slammed against the counter making me wince, and my father stared at me hard. “I’m sure you’re confused and upset, but I want you to know that Patrick really is on our side.” Taking the chance to talk while he drank deeply from his cup, I moved even closer.

My father pulled a pitcher out of some dark brown liquid and filled his cup before putting it back. Electricity wasn’t that common in the Glade, we had to use a lot of our perishables before they went bad. It buzzed with life which was unusual for this time of year. “A cup.” He lifted it in the air to show me before turning to the beat-up refrigerator. ” His voice trailed off as he opened another cupboard before grabbing something out and slamming it shut. Patrick entered the room and made the sound decision to stand as far away from my rampaging father as possible. “What are you looking for?” I asked, trying to appease him somehow. It’s obvious what’s going on here.” He growled as he started opening and shutting cabinets. “Father,” I sighed, stopping next to him, “just let me explain.” Casting a warning look over my shoulder, I hurried after him, not caring if Patrick followed or not. “I hardly find your words reassuring,” my father snapped and then turned on his heels, stomping back into the living area. My father’s eyes glared at that hand, but Patrick didn’t move it away. Feldman.” Patrick came up behind me, his hand settling on my shoulder. I know what this looks like, but you have to understand, Patrick is one of the Fold who shares our goals.” I put a hand up and used my vampiric strength to keep him in place. “You mean a disagreement involving you leading a revolt to destroy him and his twisted group?” he snarled over my shoulder, trying to push his way past me.